Thursday, December 20, 2007
Global Internet Business Link
The difference however is the revenue sharing plan, which all advertisers are granted a share of so long as they are advertising. the idea is good, sharing revenue with members is to be applauded.
The question on everyones mind at the moment is will the Company gain sufficient members on an ongoing basis to provide the means for advertisers to earn revenue.
There is a fundamental problem and that is the social and networking tools which members have access to are difficult to use and some do not work. Prior to its official launch there was quite active forum and this included some greatly exaggerated hype on how fortunes could be made. People have come to their senses, but it is questionable how long it will be before this company goes the way of Agloco, which tried offering money for nothing.
Now do not get me wrong I am a member of Giblink and hope it will survive.
Problems are created by by a frenzy of people searching for a quick way to make money, and I will tell you honestly they do not exist. Do you think if someone has a surefire way of making money they will share it with others, No they will keep it to themselves.
There is one way to make money and that is to work for it I currently pay people to work for me, and if you are serious and prepared to work hard I invite you to call me on 88 258702. you will require a computer with broadband connection and Skype VOIP together with good spoken English.
For More Information:
David Ogden
201 793 8702 USA Office after 6pm EST
+6088258702 GMT+8
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Global Internet Business Link Revenue Share Plan
Global Internet Business Link (Giblink)is an online community so groundbreaking in its approach that it will forever change the way people do business.
Global Internet Business Link allows entrepreneurs and businesses to connect, learn from each other, share ideas and strategies, and then help each other grow and succeed. The gibLink community is where you start to make the "Connections that Count” for your business.
The unique Revenue Sharing program creates a cooperative environment where Global Internet Business Link community advertisers can simultaneously promote their businesses and add value to the global network.
By promoting and growing the community together everyone benefits from the revenue derived fromthe entire network. This is what sets Global Internet Business Link apart from all other social networks on the Internet. Everything is here for you, the business owner, to successfully participate in what is being dubbed the “Dawning of a New Age for Entrepreneurs Worldwide”.
What you’re about to read is an overview of the gibLink Revenue Sharing Plan. Please Reference Here to get a more detailed explanation of the products and services that the community provides.
Who Are Global Internet Business Link?
GibLink is an innovative business community built on the philosophy that, to truly change an
environment, the best elements of competition and cooperation must be blended into a fresh
The world is changing and those of us working to carve a niche in the global marketplace are faced with a singular challenge: connection. Before gibLink, the process of networking and connecting to other similarly focused business owners was difficult and often, unlikely.
gibLink changes the conversation, and bridges the divide between entrepreneurs in the most creatively driven business network in the world.
What Are Global Internet Business Link Doing?
GibLink unites the fragments of a fractured global marketplace and provides real opportunity for anyone desiring to break new ground within their business. Additionally, we provide a turnkey solution to establish the infrastructure necessary for businesses to expand into various areas of web services.
Why Are Global Internet Business Link Different?
The concept of and commitment to a true global community of entrepreneurs has been woven into the very fabric of our organization. gibLink has taken the power of the Internet and distributed it among the most unique and creative collaboration of entrepreneurs in history. We call this Collective Intelligence.
Why Is Global Internet Business Link Revenue Sharing?
In a global economy, cultures, customs and even business practices may differ, but the goal of every business around the world is the same: to generate profits and to maximize market share. While developing market share is an often uncomplicated proposition, profit realization is, to some, an unattainable goal. gibLink provides the global community of entrepreneurs with more than a solution; we provide a stake in the success and continued growth of the latest and potentially most dynamic innovations yet.
In explosive industries such as social networking, web services, and Internet advertising, revenue generation can be realized with a minor market share. Global Internet Business Link understand that as business owners and entrepreneurs around the globe utilize gibLink to promote their business, that this promotion accelerates our company growth.
A stable advertising base insures long‐term viability. By providing business owners, entrepreneurs and advertisers worldwide with a vested interest in our company growth, idea of community becomes reality.
How Do Global Internet Business Link Revenue Share?
GibLink shares revenue with the advertising base through four dynamic categories.
General Revenue Sharing – Each month a portion of gibLink’s revenue is injected into the General Revenue Sharing fund and will be distributed evenly among all advertisers who are currently active and were active at the time the revenue was generated.
Direct Revenue Sharing – Each week, up to a 10% direct sales commission is paid to an advertiser for the direct sales of any web services or advertising packages they have sold.
Executive Revenue Sharing – Each quarter, every advertiser that has attained a high level of revenue sharing within the other 3 Revenue Sharing Categories, will also share in an exclusive revenue share fund earmarked for the top promoters of the gibLink Site Network.
The three elements you’ve just seen would, by themselves, constitute a groundbreaking development in business networking. By maximizing your participation in these 3 elements, it grows the community and 4 strengthens your earning potential within the framework of the fourth and most elaborate element of the gibLink revenue sharing plan.
The goal of any business is to optimize exposure while minimizing costs. These three elements combine to accomplish both. You establish a presence in the global marketplace, and generate revenue that will, in many cases, exceed your costs. The fourth element which will be explained in detail, brings the gibLink vision of revenue sharing to a whole new level.
As you read the next element of the revenue sharing plan, forget the hype and look at the facts. With any long term income vehicle, the key to real success is longevity and loyalty.
Global Internet Business Link is poised to richly reward both through a reasonable, yet powerful structure. The operative word here is reasonable. Many times companies have claimed to be able to generate instant riches for little or even sometimes nothing. Global Internet Business Link is not that type of company. We do not promise overnight riches; what we do promise is an opportunity for you to participate in what could be the most satisfying and lucrative long term business relationship you will ever see.
Global Internet Business Link are not attempting to create a few millionaires overnight. They are working to create a global community of millionaires over the long term.
Global Internet Business Link Revenue Sharing – This portion of the revenue sharing program is comprised of progressively increasing gibLines doubling in value as outlined in the example below:
gibLine 1 $50
gibLine 2 $100
gibLine 3 $200
gibLine 4 $400
gibLine 5 $800
gibLine 6 $1600
gibLine 7 $3200
gibLine 8 $6400
gibLine 9 $12800
gibLine10 $25600
Before moving on, please take a moment to review this list of terms.
• gibLines ‐ A logical representation of revenue allocated to one element of the gibLink Revenue
Sharing Plan.
• POD ‐ This is a representation of an Advertising Unit that you are awarded as a bonus for using Global Internet Business Link to advertise your business.
• Referrer ‐ The advertiser that introduced you as an advertiser to gibLink.
• Referred POD ‐ The POD A of an advertiser you referred to gibLink and the POD B, C, D etc. that you are awarded in the Revenue Share Plan.
• Cycle ‐ The phases your PODs will go through to reenter or advance into a higher gibLine of
Revenue Sharing
• Revenue Share Bonus ‐ The portion of revenue shared with you as an advertiser in the gibLines.
• Matching Bonus ‐ The portion of revenue shared with you when a referred POD earns a
Revenue Share Bonus from the gibLines.
• gibFactor ‐ A point in this document that solidify the power of the gibLink Revenue Sharing Plan.
Giblines Overview
A portion of revenue from all sources the Global Internet Business Link Site Network generates is placed into the gibLines. All active advertisers share in this revenue in a format that rewards both personal efforts in building the gibLink community, as well as the longevity of their advertising account. This formula continually rewards your loyalty as an advertiser in the gibLink Site Network as you use it to promote your business.While this is not an investment opportunity in any way, you are rewarded for long term commitment to the growth of the community. In these lines, you receive advertising units, also known as PODs, when you become an advertiser. These PODs are given to you strictly as a bonus for using gibLink’s tools, resources and community to promote and expand your business.
• Standard Advertising Accounts are awarded 1 POD (POD A)
• Professional Advertising Accounts are awarded 3 PODs (PODs A, B and C)
When you become an advertiser, the PODs we award you are placed into gibLine 1 just as the PODs initially given to every other advertiser in the gibLink site Network.
The PODs you are awarded will operate and progress independently of each other in the gibLines, and the advertiser that introduced you to gibLink will be the referrer of your POD A.
Just as in the example above, YOU will be the referrer of POD A, for every advertiser you introduce to gibLink. Additionally, as a PRO advertiser, along with the added recourses you receive, you will be the referrer of your PODs B and C initially awarded to you when you became an advertiser.
The progression of your PODs through these lines will yield additional bonus PODs awarded to you in previous lines, of which you will also be the referrer. These additional awarded PODs will be labeled for you with the next letter identifier: example, D, E, and F etc
How Does This Benefit You?
You will receive a 100% Revenue Share Matching Bonus for each POD which you refer.
In simple terms, each time a referred POD cycles and is awarded a gibLine Revenue Share Bonus, you asthe referrer also receive that same bonus amount.
The first of many powerful components to the gibLine element of the Revenue Sharing Plan is
that you will always be compounding your revenue share as you are awarded additional PODs
in the gibLines.
When your PODs cycle and receive a Revenue Share Bonus, it will be the amount equal to the
value of the line it is in. Additionally, since you are the referrer of all PODs that you have
except for POD A, you also receive a 100% matching Revenue Share Bonus on those PODs,
and you receive a bonus when POD A of your referrals receive a Revenue Share Bonus.
Example: As a Pro Advertiser you have referred just 10 Pro advertisers to gibLink to promote
and expand their business.
First, you would have received $15 for each referred advertiser for a total of $150, just from
the Direct Revenue Share, this would mean that your advertising account is basically paid for.
The more powerful element is that even if you have not earned bonus PODs yet, you would
be the referrer of 2 of your own personal PODs and you would be the referrer of all POD A’s
of the 10 other advertisers.
This means as these PODs progress through the lines, in addition to your own POD Revenue
Share Bonus as your PODS cycle through the lines, you would also receive a 100% Revenue
Share Matching Bonus each time 12 referred PODs progress through the gibLines. (2 of your
own, and 10 POD A’s of the advertisers you introduced to the community.)
Hopefully now, you are seeing the compounding power of the gibLines element of the
Revenue Sharing plan, but wait…there’s more!!!
Awarded Bonus PODs
Remember the Bonus Pods that you are awarded as your PODs progress?
You will be the referrer of those PODs also, but unlike the PODs you were initially given in gibLine 1
when you became an advertiser, BONUS PODs are placed into the gibLines prior to the line you are leaving when your POD advances.
Example: For each POD that advances out of gibLine 3, you will be awarded a POD in gibLine 2. For each POD that advances out of gibLine 4, you will be awarded a POD in gibLine 3. These PODs will duplicate as they advance and since you are the referrer, you will earn the 100% Matching Bonuses each time they cycle.
In the example above, the New Bonus POD’s you were just awarded are starting out in gibLine 2 and gibLine 3 which is double the value of gibLine 1. Talk about compounding your revenue share!
How Do Your PODs Advance through the Lines?
To understand how your PODs advance in the lines, you first need to understand how they move in each individual line.
This is a simple concept; imagine a ladder and you are climbing to the next step on the ladder each time a person at the top of the ladder moves off the top of the ladder.
On ladder 1 when you reach the top, you immediately advance to the next ladder. On ladder 2, 3, and higher, once a person gets to the top of that ladder for the first time, they will go to the bottom of that same ladder to climb it again until they reach the top for a second time and then they advance to the next ladder.
Now, replace the example scenario above with PODs instead of people moving up the ladder and
replace ladder with gibLines.
Now your next question most likely is; what makes my PODs move up the line and advance to other lines?
It all starts with gibLine 1 and what makes PODs in line 1 move. This concept can be realized in one very powerful statement. To understand the power of this statement, an understanding of how online networking communities grow and generate astounding revenues is required.
Basically, more subscribers generate more traffic; more traffic commands higher advertising rates which generate more sales of services which equates to more revenue to the company. Unlike other social networks that keep all the revenue for themselves, Global Internet Business Link shares revenue back to the advertisers to create a vested interest in the growth and globalization of gibLink, which ultimately brings more exposure to their business, other businesses and Global Internetet Business Link as a whole.
Are you ready to know the key to making PODs move in gibLine 1 which creates a chain reaction of PODs like a wave into each of the higher gibLines?
Each $200 in revenue that gibLink injects into gibLine 1 from sales generated globally through
multitude of sources causes the POD at the top of gibLine 1 to advance to gibLine 2!
Then, in gibLines 2 and higher PODs movement is powered by PODs advancing from gibLine 1 which inturn drives PODs into line 3 and so on.
POD movement in gibLines 2 and higher are further powered as the PODs reenter gibLine 2 and higher on their first cycle and with the injection of Bonus PODs entering previous gibLines as they advance.
Each time 5 PODs enter gibLines 2 and higher, the POD at the top of the line cycles to either reenter or advance to the next gibline.
Again, the gibLine element of the Revenue Share Plan is not driven by Advertisers coming into
gibLink, it is driven by advertisers using gibLink to promote their business. This exposure
causes more Free subscribers to join gibLink just like they do at MySpace, YouTube, Facebook
and many other online social networks. This generates more traffic, more retail sales which
in‐turn commands higher advertising rates to external advertisers, therefore generates more
Revenue to gibLink that we share with the core promoters of the community.
Putting It All Into Perspective:
“MySpace signed an advertising deal with Google in August that should lead to at least $900
million in ad sales for MySpace over the next few years.” AND “Facebook is approaching $100
million in annual revenues.” Source:
“Seen through the lens of ad revenue, the world domination of a handful of online brands
appears more pronounced and getting more so. In 2003, online ad revenue for Time Warner's
AOL, Yahoo! and Google combined was $5.1 billion; by year‐end 2005, that figure stood at
$11.9 billion, more than doubling. That outpaces even the industry's breakneck domestic
growth of 71 percent over the same period, according to statistics compiled by the Interactive
Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers
Google alone saw its ad revenue almost double, from $3.1 billion to $6 billion, and the roster
of other companies that can claim $1 billion in annual online ad revenue is a small one indeed,
consisting of some very familiar names: Yahoo!, Time Warner's AOL and Microsoft's MSN. To
get a sense for how disproportionate the market is, CNET, a major but second‐tier player,
generated $284 million in ad revenue for 2005.” Source:
Let’s draw a quick parallel between gibLink and MySpace, a current leader in social networking. As a potential advertiser, new choices are now opening up. Until now, advertisers were paying premium prices to get exposure in online communities largely populated by people without the disposable income or the purchasing power desired.
Global Internet Business Link has built and is expanding a worldwide community of business‐minded people who already understand the importance of investing in the tools and services that will help them succeed. So, as a business person, who would you rather spend your advertising dollars to reach?
On one hand, MySpace is a community of 5‐90 year old people, many of whom never visit MySpace for reasons other than socializing. On the other hand, Global Internet Business Link is a community of entrepreneurs who are prepared to do business with anyone who can clearly present themselves in an innovative way.
Obviously, both choices provide an impressive level of exposure, but only Global Internet Business Link can offer a captive, global audience made exclusively of highly qualified potential customers and clients.
Global Interntet Business Link will be providing Free Subscribers limited access to the community resources, services, and will be equipping them with the ability to spread the word and generate sales to gibLink.
Global Interntet Business Link advertisers benefit greatly by the increased sales and exposure, as the Free Subscribers will share in gibLink’s revenue only after they have generated a minimum $200 in sales revenue. Until which point the active advertiser that referred them to the community will receive credit for those sales.
The sales and advertising revenue generated by a business social network like Global Internte Business Link will be astonishing and will surpass the numbers of the other social networks, even if only a small portion of the market share is captured.
Some ask with the gibLink Revenue Share Structure, is there ever a bad time to become an
advertiser in gibLink?
The answer to this is a resounding NO! There is never a bad time to join Global Internet Business Link.
They have taken great effort from the top to the bottom of the concept and vision of gibLink to
eliminate that very issue to ensure their long‐term viability.
Consider this:
Everything from retail web services to business resources including external advertising and
internal advertising accounts, these are services that businesses and entrepreneurs are
purchasing from gibLink to promote and expand their core business and each of these
services are renewed on timed intervals.
Here is a small sample:
• Domains sold through gibSale renew annually.
• External Advertising renewed monthly or by a campaigns timed interval.
• Standard and Pro Advertising accounts are renewed quarterly.
• And many more renewable products and services offered by gibLink.
What does this mean to the revenue that is generated by Global Internet Business Link and what does it mean to you as an advertiser that is sharing in the revenue gibLink generates?
What this means is that there is a constant flow of revenue being injected into the other portions of the Revenue Share Program including revenue injected into gibLine 1, which as you now know, creates a chain reaction effect of PODs moving, duplicating and compounding through the gibLines.
Here are a few examples of this concept when just considering only one element of our Revenue Share Plan, the gibLines:
Example 1: gibLink injects just $1 million dollars in ad revenue into gibLine 1 in a month; that alone would mean 5000 PODs would cycle out of gibLine 1 into gibLine 2….with not even a single new Standard or Pro advertising account sold.
Example 2: Let’s say gibLink has 20,000, 30,000, 50,000 or more advertising accounts renew in a quarter, that conservatively generates a $6 million dollar injection into gibLine 1 and would alone cause 30,000 PODs to cycle out of gibLine 1 into gibLine 2.
Without even factoring in any new sales generated during that time, those 2 examples would initiate the advancement of 35,000 PODs into gibLine 2 and would create a chain reaction of PODs advancing to higher and higher lines.
Now let’s look again at how this benefits you:
Your PODs are advancing in those lines that you will receive the Bonus on when they cycle, your referred PODs are also advancing, which you receive the 100% Matching Revenue Share Bonuses on each time they are awarded a Revenue Share Bonus.
And to further compound your revenue sharing, you are being awarded Bonus PODs in lower lines as you advance to do the same.
Hopefully now you see how Global Internet Business Link has gone that extra mile to ensure that businesses and advertisersusing the gibLink Site Network to promote and expand their core business, in‐turn grows the community even more, which will enable the community to easily surpass the subscriber base of all social networks on the internet and furthermore, equip you and your business to capitalize on the next global Phenomenon, Global Internt Business Link.
It’s All About You:
You have to ask yourself a few questions:
1. Are you going to delay your placement in the gibLink Revenue Sharing Plan and let many
thousands of others stake their claim before you, or are you going to make the most of the
opportunity that is presenting itself to you now?
2. Are you going to struggle to take your business to the next level through your own efforts, or are you going to get on the fast track with tens of thousands of entrepreneurs in over 140 countries currently using Global Internet Business Link to promote and expand their business?
3. Once you decide to participate in gibLink, and as more advertisers come on board, sales and
external advertising rates gibLink commands in the market place continue to compound daily,
are you going to leverage your timing to duplicate and compound your stake in the Revenue
Global Internet Business Link generates?
Those are questions only you can answer for yourself and your business. But just think if you were presented with this opportunity 4 years ago when MySpace or just a few short years ago when Facebook got its start, looking back now, would you have seized the opportunity?
For More Information:
David Ogden
201 793 8702 USA Office after 6pm EST
+6088258702 GMT+8
Friday, November 16, 2007
Global Internet Business Link - Global Money Card
The Debit card is with Tomato Bank of Los Angeles so that money transfers with the card will cost $2 per transaction for ACH transactions as opposed to the wire transfer cost of $30. During December it is expected that a number of Countries will be able to accept ACH transaction which will cost around $2.
David Ogden
Monday, November 12, 2007
Global Internet Business Link Update
Giblink members are now able to form interest groups forming global Internet business links with like minded people around the Globe. Generally the tool s are working well with the ability of groups to build their own live forums for discussion and groups can be public or private to stop possible spamming of members.
Networks are growing fast as members access and use the various tools at their disposal. this week should see the launch of free membership which should reverse the downward traffic trend of the past few weeks,
David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
Friday, November 9, 2007
Global Internet Business Link
Hints were supplied that in addition to the Web services supplied by Gibsale other retail offering are in the pipeline and will be released arounf the time that Giblink is opened to free members.
David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
Kota Kinabalu
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Global Internet Business Link
Global Internet Business Link Giblink is coming to life now that they have commenced opening up the advertising. The Hype that surrounded it launch just over two months ago has died down and now advertisers are getting down to business preparing their campaigns.
The networking is happening and numerous Clubs and Blogs are in use where Global Internet Business Link members can meet can meet and discuss business and social events with one another. Membership is continuing to grow at a steady rate, which bodes well for Giblink advertisers.
Global Internet Business Link attracted many new people to the internet, with no experience of how the Internet works and this caused initial problems as people need to learn how to use the systems. The company to there credit spent a lot of time to ensure advertisers got paid their revenue share in Gibline, which was what attracted large numbers of people and only now are they addressing the issue of training.
The Founders never expected such are large take up and now that they have had to to take a breathe they are able to plan the way in which they will grow Global Internet business link. Giblink is active in some 150 countries around the globe which is incredible for the time it has been in business.
+6088258702 GMT+8
+60198428702 Cell
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call me for free.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Global Internet Business Link Giblink Advertising
Global Internet Business Link is now in the top 5,000 rank on Alexa in under 30 days. there were 6.636 visitors yesterday mainly from the USA.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Global Internet Business Link
Global Internet Business Link Giblink is
making a quantum leap in Business and social network with its revolutionary revenue sharing system.
There are some 200 social and business networking communities online at the moment an this is the first one that share revenue instead of keeping it to themselves like Myspace or Facebook.
Global Internet Business Link Giblink strength is that from the outset it has attracted entrepreneurs who wish to share their business with other. Giblink provides an addition source of information outwith the normal business channels in what it calls a Collective Intelligence Network.
Global Internet Business Link Giblink started by recruiting advertisers and provided forums where advertisers share information and can advertise to one another. Active advertisers who recruit other advertiser are entitled to a basic share of the revenue, plus commisions on sales of GibSale web services.
All advertisers share is a bonus system Gibline which rewards those advertisers who remain loyal to the community.
Internet groups and communities are an advertisers dream and it is not unknown for advertiser to pay £150,000 per day to place a banner advert on a network site and this revenue goes to the owners of the site such as Utube.
Global Internet Business Link Giblink
answer is that outside advertisers revenue will be distributed via Gibline.
Giblink will shortly be opening its door to free members who will also be able to join Gibline once they have brought in $200 of revenue into their account.
Existing advertisers in Global Internet Business Link not only have more people to network with but will also earn from free members until they qualify in Gibline.
David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
Get Skype and
call me for free.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Global Internet Business Link
Global Internet Business Link is now beginning to bear fruit with Giblink starting to function as was planned as a business and social network where people can meet and share ideas. When Global Internet Business Link - Giblink was launched last month there
was much hype about how Gibline the revenue sharing system for advertisers would make every advertiser rich. The problem was that advertiser started to make false claims so that a number of people joined with the sole intension of making money from advertising.
Yes Global Internet Business Link, Gibline will make money for every advertiser but it is not a get rich quick scheme it will take time, Gibline is unique in that each advertiser is placed in a single line in the order in which they purchase advertising rights and it makes no difference if someone joins as advertiser as a result of their advertising or not which is why there is a slogan You will never be left behind. Once you are in the line you will never be overtaken.
Some people will make more money than others due to either selling Gibsale products or
introducing new advertisers which will provide bonus's.
Many discussion have taken place in the various Global Internet Link Forums with experienced marketers able to offer advice and help to new advertisers. There have been complaints about restriction regarding the posting of links and signature files in forum posts, some marketers are used to. It is so easy to pop in a comment in a forum and leave it like that. Using the Global Internet Business Link Giblink requires more inter action via personal messaging and this leads to the development of relationships with members learning about each other business which is the main function of any business and social network.
David Ogden Giblink Advertiser
Kota Kinabalu
tel +6088258702
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Global Internet Business Link Introduction
What Is Giblink, Is it a scam
Giblink is a Global Internet Business Link designed to bring business together from around the Globe in what the founders of Giblink refer to as a collective Intelligence network.
Giblink Global Internet Business Link is the business and social centre where Global members can share ideas and also promote and advertise their own business
Global Internet Business link Giblink has a unique revenue sharing system called Gibline where all advertisers share in the collective revenues of the business from sales of advertising (Giblink) and internet solutions (Gibsale) . Unlike MLM and matrix systems where you rely on building a downline to earn money, each advertiser purchases advertising packages every 90 days, which are placed in a single line and when their advertising package reaches the a revenue payment is made and they cycle either to the bottom of the line or two the bottom of a second line.
Gibsale is a ready made retail store for Internet solutions such as purchases of domain names and hosting at prices that will compete with Godaddy and Global Domains International. The web hosting allows you to match and mix which items you want to include such as email services and secure servers. You have a choice of Windows or Linux based servers.
Global Internet Business link Giblink members are provided with tools such as e-books and autoresponders in order to introduce new members in to business and social network.
Global payments systems have always been a problem on the Internet but Global Internet Business Link have ensured from start up that they have a Global system in place which can pay anyone in who has a bank account.
David Ogden Internet Markering Mentor
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